The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Psalm 67

    O God, O God, let all the nations praise You!

1.  May God be gracious to ùs and bless us
    and make His face to shíne upon us,
2.  that Your way may be known ùpon earth,
    Your saving power amóng all nations. (R)

3.  Let the peoples praise Yòu, O God; (omit phrases b and c)
    let all the péoples praise You!

4.  Let the nations be glad and sìng for joy,
    for You judge the peoplés with equity (omit phrase c)
    and guide the nations úpon earth. (R)

5.  Let the peoples praise Yòu, O God; (omit phrases b and c)
    let all the péoples praise You!

6.  The earth has yielded ìts increase;
    God, our Gód, has blessed us.
7.  May God continùe to bless us;
    let all the ends of the éarth revere Him! (R)

WORDS: Psalm tone: Laurence Bevenot, 1986
MUSIC: Refrain: Marie Kremer, 1986
Scripture: Psalm 67
Theme: Psalms