The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Psalm 103

    My soul, give thanks to the Lord, 
    and bless God's holy name.

1.  Bless the Lord, O my sòul,
    and all that is within me,
    bléss His holy name. (R)

2.  Bless the Lord, O my sòul,
    and do not forget áll His benefits,
3.  who forgives all your inìquity,
    who heals all yóur diseases,
4.  who redeems your life from the Pìt,
    who crowns you with steadfast lóve and mercy,
5.  who satisfies you with good as long as you lìve
    so that your youth is renewed líke the eagle's. (R)

6.  The Lord works vindicàtion
    and justice for áll who are oppressed.

7.  He made known His ways to Mòses,
    His acts to the peoplé of Israel.

8.  The Lord is merciful and gràcious,
    slow to anger and aboundíng in steadfast love.

9.  He will not always accùse,
    nor will He keep His angér forever.
10. He does not deal with us according to our sìns,
    nor repay us according to óur iniquities. (R)

11. For as the heavens are high above the èarth,
    so great is His steadfast love toward thóse who fear Him;
12. as far as the east is from the wèst,
    so far He removes our transgréssions from us.

13. As a father has compassion for his chìldren,
    so the Lord has compassion for thóse who fear Him. (R)

WORDS: Psalm tone and Refrain: Richard Proulx, 1975
Scripture: Psalm 103
Theme: Psalms