The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Isaiah the Prophet Has Written of Old

1.  Isaiah the prophet has written of old
    How God's earthly kingdom shall come,
    Instead of the thorn tree the fir tree shall grow;
    The wolf shall lie down with the lamb.
    The mountains and hills shall break forth into song,
    The peoples be led forth in peace,
    For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God
    As the waters cover the seas.

2.  Yet nations still prey on the meek of the world,
    And conflict turns parent from child.
    Your people despoil all the sweetness of earth;
    The brier and the thorn grow wild.
    Lord, hasten to bring in Your kingdom on earth,
    When no one shall hurt or destroy,
    When wisdom and justice shall reign in the land
    And Your people shall go forth in joy.

WORDS: Joy F. Patterson, 1982
MUSIC: American folk melody Arr. Alice Parker and Robert Shaw
Scripture: Isaiah 11
Theme: Life in Christ