The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Lord, We have Come at Your Own Invitation

1.  Lord, we have come at Your own invitation,
    Chosen by You, to be counted Your friends;
    Yours is the strength that sustains dedication,
    Ours a commitment we know never ends.

2.  Here, at Your table, confirm our intention,
    Give it Your seal of forgiveness and grace;
    Teach us to serve without pride or pretension,
    Lord, in Your kingdom, whatever our place.

3.  When, at Your table, each time of returning,
    Vows are renewed and our courage restored:
    May we increasingly glory in learning
    All that it means to accept You as Lord.

WORDS: Fred Pratt Green, 1977
MUSIC: Paris Antiphoner, 1681 As in La Feillee's Methode du plain-chant, 1808
Theme: Sacraments and Ordinances