Come, O Spirit
1. Come, O Spirit, with Your sound Like a wind, quick rushing; Come from heaven and stir our hearts, Each disciple touching! Mold our actions to Your will, You our service giving; Move within our fellowship, Transform now our living! 2. Come, O Spirit, with Your flame, Leaping tongues of fire; Come, and with Your glorious light All our thoughts inspire! Rest upon each servant's head Till each one is speaking Of our Christ, the Holy One All the earth is seeking! 3. Come, O Spirit, fill Your church, Making strong our mission; Fill Your daughters and Your sons With a mighty vision, Till the great and glorious day When the whole creation Sings Your praise as Lord and King, Giver of salvation!
WORDS: John A. Dalles, 1983
MUSIC: Union Harmony, 1837 Harm. Hilton Rufty, 1934
Scripture: Acts 2:1-4
Theme: Day Of Pentecost