Psalm 2 Why Are Nations Raging
1. Why are nations raging And conspiring plots in vain? Rulers of the world rise up, Weaving webs of death and pain. Then against the Lord they cry, And against God's holy Son, "Let us tear their bonds from us And with their control be done." 2. But the Lord has scorn on them, Laughing and enthroned on high. God brings wrath upon their work; Filled with anger God replies: "It is My own holy will That the Christ on earth shall reign, And on Zion's holy hill, My anointed I'll maintain." 3. God's decree unto the King Tells us what the Lord did say: "You are My own holy child; I've begotten You this day. Ask of Me and I will make All the nations Your own stay. These possessions You shall rule, Strong as iron smashing clay." 4. Therefore, leaders of the earth, Serve the Lord with holy fear; Trembling come before the throne Or God's anger will appear. Kiss God's feet in trembling awe Or the Lord will use the rod, Making beggars of all kings. Blest are those who trust in God.
WORDS: Fred R. Anderson, 1986;
MUSIC: alt. Jacob Hintze, 1678 Harm. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) As in Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861
Scripture: Psalm 2
Theme: Psalms