The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Psalm 33

    Lord, let Your mercy be on us, 
    as we place our trust in You.

1.  Rejoice in the Lord, Ò you righteous.
    Praise befíts the upright.
2.  Praise the Lord wìth the lyre,
    make melody to Him with the harp óf ten strings!

3.  Sing to Him à new song,
    play skillfully on the strings, wíth loud shouts.
4.  For the word of the Lòrd is upright;
    and all His work is dóne in faithfulness.

5.  He loves righteousnèss and justice;
    the earth is full of the steadfast love óf the Lord.
6.  By the word of the Lord the heavèns were made,
    and all their host by the breath óf His mouth.

7.  He gathered the waters of the sea as ìn a bottle;
    He put the deeps ín storehouses.
8.  Let all the earth fèar the Lord,
    let all the inhabitants of the world stand in áwe of Him.

9.  For He spoke, and it càme to be;
    He commanded, and ít stood firm.
10. The Lord brings the counsel of the natìons to nothing;
    He frustrates the plans óf the peoples.

WORDS: Psalm tone: Laurence Bevenot, 1987
MUSIC: Refrain: Richard Proulx, 1987
Scripture: Psalm 33
Theme: Psalms