Psalm 119:1-16 Blest Are the Uncorrupt in Heart
1. Blest are the uncorrupt in heart, Whose ways are right and true, Who never from Your law depart But ever fly to You. 2. Blest are all those who keep Your word And practice Your commands, Who with their hearts still seek You, Lord, And serve You with their hands. 3. Great hope we find within Your law; Thus firm our lives are bound. When trials, troubles, hurts arise, In You true life is found. 4. Then do we sing with deepest joy The honor of Your name, For when Your statutes we obey, Our lives are kept from shame. 5. To You, O God of truth and law, To You, O living Word, To You, O Comforter of life, May now our praise be heard.
WORDS: Fred R. Anderson, 1986
MUSIC: Thomas Haweis, c. 1792 Adapt. Samuel Webbe, Jr., 1808
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-16
Theme: Psalms