The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Give to Me, Lord, a Thankful Heart

1.  Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart
    And a discerning mind;
    Give, as I play the Christian's part,
    The strength to finish what I start
    And act on what I find.

2.  When, in the rush of days, my will
    Is habit-bound and slow,
    Help me to keep in vision still
    What love and power and peace can fill
    A life that trusts in You.

3.  By Your divine and urgent claim,
    And by Your human face,
    Kindle our sinking hearts to flame,
    And as You teach the world Your name
    Let it become Your place.

4.  Jesus, with all Your church I long
    To see Your kingdom come:
    Show me Your way of righting wrong
    And turning sorrow into song
    Until You bring me home.

WORDS: Caryl Micklem, 1973
MUSIC: Caryl Micklem, 1973
Theme: Life in Christ