The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice

1.  Wild and lone the prophet's voice
    Echoes through the desert still,
    Calling us to make a choice,
    Bidding us to do God's will:
    "Turn from sin and be baptized;
    Cleanse your heart and mind and soul.
    Quitting all the sins you prized,
    Yield your life to God's control.

2.  "Bear the fruit repentance sows:
    Lives of justice, truth, and love.
    Trust no other claim than those;
    Set your heart on things above.
    Soon the Lord will come in power,
    Burning clean the threshing floor:
    Then will flames the chaff devour;
    Wheat alone shall fill God's store."

3.  With such preaching stark and bold
    John proclaimed salvation near,
    And his timeless warnings hold
    Words of hope to all who hear.
    So we dare to journey on,
    Led by faith through ways untrod,
    Till we come at last like John
    To behold the Lamb of God.

WORDS: Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1989
MUSIC: Joseph Parry, 1879
Scripture: Matthew 3:7-9
Theme: Life in Christ