The Presbyterian Hymnal: Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs


O Praise the Gracious Power

1.  O praise the gracious power
    That tumbles walls of fear
    And gathers in one house of faith
    All strangers far and near:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

2.  O praise persistent truth
    That opens fisted minds
    And eases from their anxious clutch
    The prejudice that blinds:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

3.  O praise inclusive love,
    Encircling every race,
    Oblivious to gender, wealth,
    To social rank or place:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

4.  O praise the word of faith
    That claims us as God's own,
    A living temple built on Christ,
    Our rock and cornerstone:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

5.  O praise the tide of grace
    That laps at every shore
    With visions of a world at peace,
    No longer bled by war:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

6.  O praise the power, the truth, 
    The love, the word, the tide.
    Yet more than these, O praise their source,
    Praise Christ the crucified:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

7.  O praise the living Christ
    With faith's bright songful voice!
    Announce the gospel to the world
    And with these words rejoice:
    We praise You, Christ!
    Your cross has made us one!

WORDS: Thomas H. Troeger, 1984
MUSIC: Carol Doran, 1984
Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22
Theme: Morning and Opening Hymns