This is the Order of Worship that was used as a model for these database schema.
Description | Type |
Prelude | Music |
Announcements (our church calls this "In Step With St. Stephen") | Reading |
Exchange Greetings | Reading |
Choral Introit | Anthem or Music |
Call To Worship | Reading |
Hymn of Praise | Music |
Prayer of Confession | Reading |
Assurance of Pardon | Reading |
Gloria Patri (aka Glory Be To The Father...) | Music |
Choral Anthem | Anthem or Music |
Children's Sermon (our church calls this "A Moment With The Children") | Reading |
Offering (our church calls this "Our Gifts To God") | Music |
Doxology (aka Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow...) | Music |
Prayer Of Dedication | Reading |
Statement of Faith (typically either the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed) | Reading |
The Ascription | Reading |
Hymn | Music |
Prayer of Illumination | Reading |
Sermon | Sermon |
Closing Hymn | Music |
Benediction | Reading |
Response | Anthem or Music |
Postlude | Music |
A service is composed of service components with some additional fields. They are all linked together with a common service id.
+---------------------+ | service | +---------------------+ | id | | timestamp | | title | (usually the lectionary day description) | subtitle | (usually a "Thought for the day" type thing) +---------------------+
Service components that make up a given service are stored like this:
+---------------------+ | service_component | +---------------------+ | id | | service_id | (reference to service table, id field) | order | (integer indicating the worship order) | stand | (should the congregation stand? boolean y/n) | title | (optional title for component such as Hymn of Praise, Offertory, etc.) | type | (reference to a specific service type table) | type_id | (reference to id in service type table) | person | (name of musician, reader, pastor, etc.) +---------------------+
The service types each have their own table.
+---------------------+ | anthem | (choir anthems from music library) +---------------------+ | id | | account | | title | | composer | | author | | arranger | | publisher | | scripture | | voicing | | pages | | length | | copies | | publish_date | | purchase_date | | lyrics | | notes | +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | music | (freeform entry optionally filled from hymnbook XML file) +---------------------+ | id | | title | | composer | | author | | tune | | lyrics | | notes | +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | reading | (can be a reponsive reading, prayer, creed, etc.) +---------------------+ | id | | content | | notes | +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | scripture | (freeform entry filled from xml file) +---------------------+ | id | | reference | | translation | | content | | notes | +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | sermon | +---------------------+ | id | | title | | theme | | scripture | (the scripture reference used for the sermon) | excerpt | (an optional field for an excerpt from scripture or sermon) | content | | notes | +---------------------+