Spring Bursts Today!

Arranger: Douglas E. Wagner
Publisher: Harold Flammer, Inc.
Voicing: 2-Part
Pages: 7
Copies: 25
Publish Date: 1985


Spring bursts today, for Christ is risen;
spring bursts today, and all the earth's at play.
Flash forth, thou sun; rain is over and gone,
and gone; its work is done.

The winter's past, sweet spring is come at last.
Break forth this morn in roses,
thou but yesterday a thorn,
break forth, for yesterday a thorn.

Uplift thy head, O pure white lily;
Uplift thy head through the winter dead.
Beside your dams leap and rejoice,
you lambs; rejoice, you merry making lambs.

All herds and flocks, rejoice,
all beasts of thickets; rejoice,
all beasts of thickets and rocks.
Sing, creatures, sing, angels and men and birds
and everything; rejoice and sing!